Wednesday, 23 September 2009

September update

Well, it's been a good few weeks since my last update and I'm happy to say, for good reason.

Aside from some great time out over the summer period, it's been all hands on deck to get the next versions of Defender, Password Manager, InSync and WebThority ready for release later this year/early next.

The first new product version will be for Defender (v.5.5) scheduled to be released on the 6th of October this year. It has some great new features, a few of which are as follows:
  • New token support including iToken, GrIDsure and Go-6 hardware tokens
  • Brand new Defender ISAPI Agent to add Defender authentication to IIS websites
  • New Defender integration pack for Quest ActiveRoles Server
  • Improved integration with Quest Password Manager
  • Improved diagnostics and enhanced reporting
  • Improvements to remote access support
In addition to the above mentioned release, I will be giving a 1 hour live webcast tomorrow on Defender, so why not register for free and dial in?

To register for the webcast, simply go to the following link: